Few words about me
My name is Dawid Krawczyk. I live in Bełchatów Poland.
Mechatronics by profession, since June Master of Computer Graphics. From the interests of beekeeper, programmer and software tester. Also the title "Bob the builder" because no work at home is terrible for me. I also like cars, I can fix them and I love driving.
At the beginning of my story with graphics it is worth mentioning my interest in digital photography in the early 2000s.
In 2002, on the borrowed olympus, I started taking the first pictures. I tried to make them go out as best as possible. The first teacher in this profession was my father
who was an analogue photographer in his youth and was a photographer for the Bandera newspaper in the army. In 2005, I became the owner of Canon PS A95 and since then I became a "canonist" with the currently worn EOS 600d. During this time, I learned to use light in photography, properly frame, prioritize the elements in the photo depending on the context of the photo being taken as well as mastered many photography techniques including HDR and Timelapse.
History Interest in computer graphics
My experience in creating graphic design dates back to 2008 when I decided to make a few hobby montages for myself. In high school, I started learning HTML in writing from complete basics without using any other tools than a notebook. I started my adventure with graphics from Adobe Photoshop CS4 in 2008. A few years later, after switching to the CS6 version, I became interested in working in Adobe Illustrator CS5. At the same time being a school photographer in 2010-2014

I improved my skills in the Ps CS6 program. At the same time, my learning about tools spread over the editing of films, initially glued in Windows Movie Maker and later for a short period in Sony Vegas Studio. After this period to today, the program for processing video materials that I use is Adobe Premiere Pro CS6. At the end of high school, with all the interest in graphics, I decided to go to university in this field. In the first years of my studies I started learning 3dsMax, Adobe After Effects and Adobe Dreamweaver. With the latter, the CSS language began. Then I mastered Corel. However, when choosing between Illustrator and Corel I have stayed with the program from the Adobe family and I still use Illustrator for vector graphics, this time in the CS6 version.
All skills acquired so far in action

Graphic assignments related to photography were initially addressed to school materials. I made school calendars, posters. I helped in creating the site of my school team as well as the school newsletter. I started accepting orders from the outside in 2011. Initially, these were simple graphics, photo montages and Facebook materials.

For individuals. Later for groups, eg for Bełchatów Tuning Club and Bełchatowski Association of Beekeepers. In 2012, in the "ASOT 600 for Poland" campaign, Armin van Buuren himself televised several of my photomontages. Even in 2013, I started to create logos for many DJs from all over the country.

Then I got to the team of Electik Music Festival. My task at EMF was to completely design all advertising materials of the festival for printing as well as facebook. It was one of my most important experiences because I had contact with packshots of artists from around the world. I had to design the space for posters and other materials according to their guidelines. I had contact with character books. The task was successful. And the setting of the event came out as well as it was intended. I was hired to create the next edition (New Year's Eve). After this adventure with EMF in 2014, I was hired to create posters, leaflets and facebook materials at the SKALA club run by the EMF organizer. My experience was noticed in another part of the country. After finishing cooperation with the SKALA club, I started to create posters for the ENVY club in Bolesławiec. After working for ENVY (currently Jagielski Gardens) I focused on finishing the technical school and preparing for the Matura exam. But at the same time I created logotypes, photo sessions and small projects.
After starting my studies in 2014, I continued to create small things for my friends, I created the first version of my website da-kra.com. In 2015, I started an internship at KONEKO in Łódź. I worked on the design of spatial materials and machine operation.
In 2016, I took apprenticeship at REGANTA. I had the opportunity to work on projects for the clients of this company as well as looked at the entire label production process. From the customer's expectations to the finished product that meets the highest quality criteria delivered to the customer. By the way, I designed a company calendar, Christmas cards and several labels, including a label for honey from my apiary.